Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Sample Solution Algorithm to Determine Meal Charges

Week 2 Activity – Meal Purchase TCO #2– Given a simple business problem, design a solution algorithm that uses arithmetic expressions and built-in functions. Assignment: Your goal is to solve the following simple programming exercise. You have been contracted by a local restaurant to design an algorithm determining the total meal charges. The algorithm should ask the user for the total food purchase and the tip percent. Then, the algorithm will calculate the amount of a tip, a 7% sales tax, and the total meal charge (including tip). The food purchase, sales tax, tip amount, and total meal charge will need to be displayed to the customer. Be sure to THINK about the logic and design first (IPO chart and pseudocode), then code the Visual Logic command line processing. Display all output using currency formatting (built-in Visual Logic function). Advanced (optional): use a constants for the 7% sales tax. Rubric: When completed staple the following documents together neatly in 1,2,3,4 order: †¢This instruction sheet first †¢The IPO Chart, second †¢The Pseudocode, third †¢The Flowchart and output example last. Point distribution for this application: Meal Purchase Document: Points possible: Points received IPO Chart Pseudocode 6 Flowchart 8 Total Points 20 IPO Chart: Input Processing Output Enter Total Food Purchase Price Calculate Food price Add Tip %* Total Food Purchased Add 7% tax * Total Food Purchased Total Meal Charge Pseudocode: Begin mealPurchase Total Food Purchased Imput total Purchased Food Amount Please enter the amount for tip percent Imput tip percent Set total tip = tip percent/ 100 Set total tip=total tip * Total food purchased amount Set total tax= sales tax/100 Set total tax= total tax* = total food purchased amount End Flowchart: Example Output after execution:


Three participants ages 19, 19, and 20 were asked to listen to three lists of words whose contents ranged from low to high association. The low-association list was defined by words that had no particular relation to each other. Conversely, the high-association list was characterized by words that had very close relationships with each other, whereas the in-between list of medium association contained words among which loose relationships existed. Each list contained ten words. The three lists were read to each participant in a slow and systematic way, leaving an interval of approximately one second between the calling of each word. Each participant was then given a minute to write down as many words as they could recall. The average number of words remembered from the low-association list was three (3), which represents a low level of recall for short term memory. This is consistent with the idea that the brain employs a short-term memory system that is able to hold limited information, and this can be done for only a short time without the aid of semantic prompters (Brown et al., 1985). The group of words on the low-association list contained almost no semantic prompters, as these words belonged to no specific category that could have been called up in the schema of the persons involved in the experiment.    As a result, the first few words called in each list allowed the participants no leeway to use schema as a mnemonic device for recalling them. Relying therefore only on short-term memory, the participants were able only to remember a small portion of the words. It is also important to note that those which were remembered were the ones located near the end of the list. This indicates that the effort to remember those later words nullified any earlier efforts made at memorization, and consequently removed the earlier words from the participants’ short-term memory. The second list of words containing a limited number of related words (medium association) showed a recall level for the participants of approximately six (6) words. The final two words on the list were recalled by two of the participants, and the other recalled the last word. However, the few words on the list that were related were universally recalled by the participants. The experiment apparently enabled them to make connections among the related words and to further connect them to a category in their schemata. This occurrence points to the tendency of the mind to categorize the information it receives, and the long-term memory of these participants appears to have been activated by associating the related words to their appropriate category. This categorization is most likely the factor that aided the short term memory of the participants, allowing them to recall a greater percentage of the words (almost twice as many) than they were able to recall from the first list. The third list contained words that were all highly related to each other. The experiment demonstrated even more the extent to which semantic categorization has the ability to aid short-term memory. The participants remembered an average of approximately nine (9) words on the list. This represents a vast increase over the previous two tries. This part of the experiment indicates the participants appeal to their long term memory as an aid in memorizing the contents of this list. For instance, despite the fact that the words on the low-association list were familiar words, their ability to remember them was compromised by the fact that they had no method of selecting them from all the other things that reside in their memories. Conversely, the fact that the words from the third experiment were all members of a particular category allowed these participants to use the taxonomic feature of long-term memory to aid recall in this memory experiment (Brown et al., 1985). The parallel trend of increased remembrance alongside increased association therefore underlines the importance of schema in the enhancement of memory. Reference Brown, A. S., S. L. Whiteman, R. J. Cattoi & C. K. Bradley. (1985). â€Å"Associative strength level   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and retrieval inhibition in semantic memory.† The American Journal of Psychology.    98(3):   421-432.   

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Be Old Poem Analysis

â€Å"How to Be Old† It is easy to be young, (Everybody is, at first.) It is not easy to be old. It takes time. Youth is given; age is achieved. One must work a magic to mix with time in order to become old. Youth is given. One must put it away like a doll in a closet, take it out and play with it only on holidays. One must have many dresses and dress the doll impeccably (but not to show the doll, to keep it hidden. ) It is necessary to adore the doll, to remember it in the dark on the ordinary days, and every day congratulate one's aging face in the mirror. In time one will be very old. In time, one's life will be accomplished.And in time, in time, the doll–– like new, though ancient––will be found. – May SwensonWho is the speaker? What is the point of view? What is the mood? What is the tone? What is the imagery? What is the form? What is the theme? What is the figurative language? The speaker in the poem â€Å" How to Be Old† by May Swenson is an elder teaching children about growing old. The poem is in third person point of view. The mood is kind of sad because your moving on from childhood and growing up. The theme is serious, the author is telling you to hide your inner child and only take it out on special occasions. While reading this poem I imagined a little girl putting her doll away and then growing up into adulthood. The theme of the poem is cherish the past, but embrace the future. In this poem the word doll is used to describe childhood, because childhood like a doll is fun and playful, but at some point in your life, you're going to have to put that doll in your closet and move on. You're growing up and maturing, you can still think about your childhood and even bring out the inner child in your heart but not often because there is a time and a place to release your inner child.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 13

Assignment - Essay Example The source of light that is probably an electric bulb is coming from above the room. The picture has a foreground, middle ground, and a background. On the foreground, we can see the white frog sitting on its twos. The frog rests on the brown wooden floor. Moreover, I can see the shadow of the image. On the background, we see the image of a young woman standing on the brown wooden floor and leaning on the purple wall. We can also see the shadow of the image. The circular intersection line of the wall and the floor is visible on the background. The white veil is on the middle ground where it connects the foreground and the background. In my opinion, I feel the picture reflects a good piece of art where it has a good color mix and contrast, which is comfortable to the eyes of the audience. Indeed, the images and the wall have bright colors while the floor has a dull color. This photo shows the image of a person sitting on a chair. The person is seemingly a man. The image is resting on a white surface. However, the man sitting on the chair is seemingly bigger than the chair. The body material of the image is silver in color and represents the value of the image. We can also see a man standing on the background of the picture. The man is probably an artist who is making more pieces of art. There is a source of light in the picture as the shadows of the image and the man standing on the background are visible. The light is coming from above the room and this may represent the presence of an electric bulb in the room. We can see a brown cemented floor and a white cemented wall. The man in the picture is doing something on a black table. The represented in this picture depicts a museum. This picture has a foreground and a background. In the foreground, we can see the image and the white surface where the image rests. I can also see the shadow of the image. In my opinion, this picture represents a great piece of art. The use of the silver color

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ethics, Innovation and Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics, Innovation and Technology - Essay Example This has led to banning of deep oil drilling and thus created a heated debate on whether to permit or ban deep oil exploration. Ethical issues have been raised on deep oil drilling. Deep Oil Drilling The constant and ever increasing need for fossil fuels (particularly gas and oil) has pushed exploration and drilling industry to drill in very (ultra) deep waters (more than 2,000 meters water depth) with the wells being drilled to depths more than 7,500 meters. These forms of wells are very costly to drill and complete with expenses up to approximately 100 million United States dollars. According to the Energy Information Administration, the world needs for energy are increasing at an estimated rate of 1.5 to 2.0 percent per year. The United States National Energy Council report predicts that, by the year 2030, the energy demand for gas and oil will increase by 50 to 60 percent. The current total estimated oil stands at 1,258 trillion barrels and with the present oil consumption at 86 million barrels of oil per day, the hydrocarbons in place are estimated to be there in the next 42 years (Kelessidis 2009, p220). Ethical Issues Surrounding Deep Oil Drilling Ethical concerns are usually raised after a tragic accident. This was certainly true in the case of the 2010 deepwater drilling spill in the Gulf and other countless oil spills documented throughout the universe in the last century. It was only after the engineers were confronted with the graphic, photographic imagery of numerous oil soaked marine life and birds, and heard the testimonies of the Gulf coast residents (whose culture was adversely threatened) that they began to focus their attention as a society on the imminent disaster. As a profession, engineers seem reluctant to deal with the ethical issues involved. The rate at which the new technologies are converging and emerging and the damage caused by these accidents (like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill) on the reputation and the integrity of the profess ion, it seems imperative that the profession adapts a new, comprehensive ethical approach. The approach to be adapted has to be capable of dealing with the technical issues involved and the social and environmental implications (Catalano 2011, p1). On 20 April 2010, a number of explosions cut across the giant oil-drilling rig (the Deepwater Horizon) situated in the Gulf of Mexico, 48 miles from the shore. From the blast, 114 workers survived, and 11 others were never found. The rig collapsed and sunk two days after burning at the sea, destroying the steel piping and opening an oil volcano that released into the Gulf approximately 200 million gallons of crude oil. Deep-ocean, wetlands, beaches, and coastal waters were devastated by the spillage of the crude oil. Wildlife habitat and wildlife from Texas to the Florida Keys were adversely threatened. Countless families and individuals who rely on the Gulf waters for their way of life and their jobs were devastated emotionally and econo mically. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster has raised many ethical issues on the engineering profession (Catalano 2011, p1). These issues include; what exactly occurred, the role played by the engineering profession in regard to the disaster, how such disasters can be prevented in the future, ethical responsibilities, in events like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and if the codes of conduct developed by the engineers are adequate (Catalano 2011, p2). Impact of Deep Oil Drilling The Deepwater Hor

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Psychology Literature Review on Peer Pressure and its influence on Essay

Psychology Literature Review on Peer Pressure and its influence on females appearance schemas and body dissatisfaction - Essay Example Benedikt, Wertheim, and Love (2002) and Paxton et al. (2003) found that best friends' encouragement to diet increased dieting behavior among adolescent girls. Dixon, Adair, and O'Connor (2000) also found that peer encouragement to diet (separate questions were not asked for other friends and boyfriend) was associated with both body dissatisfaction and dieting behaviors among adolescent girls. However, there was no overall association between the dieting practices of friends and those of adolescent girls, although boyfriends' dieting behavior was associated with some aspects of their girlfriends' dieting behaviors. Keel, Heatherton, Harnden, and Hornig (2001) also found that although boyfriends influenced their girlfriends' body dissatisfaction but not their eating practices, best friends had a greater influence on their girlfriends' dieting behaviors. In contrast to these findings, Steiger, Stotland, Ghadiriam, and Whitehead (2003) found no difference among binge eaters, dieters, and no dieters in the eating concerns of family members. The authors suggested that rather than an actual eating disturbance, it may be a general tendency toward some form of psychopathology that is associated with eating disturbance among adolescent girls. A follow-up study by Steiger, Stotland, Trottier, and Ghadiriam (2000) indicated that there was some association between girlfriends' and best friends' eating concerns, but that the strongest influence on disordered eating among adolescent girls was psychopathological traits of friends. Other researchers have also reported that friends of eating-disordered adolescents did not differ from control-group friends on dietary restraint or eating disturbances (Evans & le Grange, 2003; Leon, Fulkerson, Perry, & Dube, 2003), although some studies have revealed a relationship between best friends' eating restra int and that of their girlfriends but not of their sons (Ruther & Richman, 2003; Scourfield, 2003; Thelen & Cormier, 2003). The results from the aforementioned studies demonstrate a lack of clarity in the extent to which best friends and boyfriends may influence body satisfaction and disturbed eating among adolescent females and girls, with a particular focus on girls. Furthermore, that research has focused on weight loss but neglected consideration of strategies to gain weight and increase muscle tone. These are strategies that may be particularly relevant to adolescent females, but the impact of peer feedback on these strategies has not been explored. It is important to determine the nature of the feedback provided to adolescent females, how it differs from that provided to adolescent girls, and the impact of this feedback on weight gain and strategies to increase muscle, as well as weight loss. Peers also seem to exert some pressure among

Friday, July 26, 2019

CJ summarize 10-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CJ summarize 10-1 - Essay Example The municipal or magistrate courts handle larger case loads and have a wide discretion in the cases to handle. Trial courts are state courts with general jurisdiction. They are courts of record and handle all civil and criminal matters and are often called district, circuit or superior courts. The appellate courts are the highest courts in the state level and only handle appeals and review decisions of lower courts (Neubauer and Fradella 61). The federal courts are a creation of the Federal judiciary act, and there are 94 courts countrywide. These courts are trial courts and have jurisdiction over federal laws. The US district courts fall within the federal courts and often have a single judge, but complicated cases are heard by three judges and the defendant can request for a jury trial. There are 13 US court of appeals locates in a circuit with a three judge panel. The US Supreme Court is the highest court and is authorized by the constitution. The cases accepted for review by this court must pass the Rule of four, more than four justice’s feel that the matter needs consideration of the full court (Neubauer and Fradella

Entrepreneurship Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Entrepreneurship - Research Paper Example Theoretical applications and the ideals of creating a different approach to being an entrepreneur are consistently being added into the definition, specifically because there is the need to grow and excel with this specific approach to work and business. When looking at the concepts of various theorists, it can be seen that there are changing definitions and specific perspectives that are taken, all which are based on the ideal of building a deeper meaning of what it means to be an entrepreneur as well as how this relates to the various aspects of working smarter with a field which continues to grow and which is based on dynamic components of the individuals who are continuing to work as leaders in the business society. This paper will examine and critique three separate articles, all which expand on the theories of entrepreneurship and the definitions which are continuing to add in dynamic levels of change. Dynamic Capabilities of Entrepreneurship The question of what defines an ent repreneur is one of the leading concepts that are looked at in theory. This not only relates to what an entrepreneur is, but also to the characteristics and attributes which they carry. In the first journal article, there is an understanding of entrepreneurs which are leaders within an organization and the characteristics which need to be approached in terms of the external and internal environment. The article focuses on looking at the roles and purposes of entrepreneurs as well as the capabilities of the organization to succeed, specifically by the approach which is taken for the environment. The main thesis of this specific article is based on having entrepreneurs which are leaders who can provide sustainability to the internal environment while working with change and dynamic characteristics for the altering changes and trends that are in the external environment1. The concept of sustainable and dynamic qualities of an entrepreneurial leader is one which the research paper state s is defined by the concept of understanding and leadership through an entrepreneur. The characteristics which are found to offer both qualities include understanding how sustainability and dynamics relate to each other. This is followed by organizational knowledge and skills, specifically which can apply to the practices that are a part of the leadership and which offer daily opportunities for entrepreneurs to look at the association with the organization. The ability to remain in a learning mode, build relationships and to create a link between learning and implementing new ideologies is also a proponent of this, all which provide different opportunities for entrepreneurs. As the dynamic and sustainable characteristics link together with these qualities, there is the ability to create a link to the growth and success of an organization2. When looking at this article, it can be seen that there are several strengths in relationship to identifying the qualities and capabilities that are associated with being an entrepreneur. The concept of providing characteristics that are both dynamic and stable is one which is considered important not only for entrepreneurs, but also for other types of leaders who are able to offer management and change within an organiz

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Critical Thinking - Essay Example Indeed, the probability of having a true conclusion is also very low and hence the uncogency. Argument 2 The premise of this argument is that Hamilton is in New York State if he is in the United States. Consequently, the conclusion of the argument is that Hamilton is not in New York State since he is not in U.S. This is a deductive, cogent argument. We can derive that the argument is deductive because the premises succeed in supporting and guaranteeing the truth of the conclusion (Bassham et al, 2011). Indeed, since the premises are true, the conclusion is also true. This generates a valid argument. The argument is also cogent since the premises are true and the conclusion has a high probability of being true. Ideally, since the argument is valid and the conclusion is true, then it is a sound argument. Argument 3 The premise of this argument is that Ontario must be in Canada if he is in North America. Consequently, the conclusion of the argument is that Ontario is in Canada since he is in North America. This is a deductive, cogent argument. In this case, the premises succeed in providing strong support for the conclusion thus guaranteeing its truthfulness. Indeed, since the premises are true, the conclusion is also true, and the argument is thus valid. ... Notably, this is an inductive, uncogent argument. Indeed, although some statements are true, the premise is false, and the conclusion is likely to be false. We can establish that the argument is inductive since it depicts a statistical argument, leads to a false conclusion, and its conclusion has an induction indicator word ‘probably.’ Furthermore, the argument is uncogent since it is weak and has at least one false premise. Argument 5 The premise of this argument is that feminism is nonsense because my bartender said so. Consequently, the conclusion of the argument is that feminism is indeed nonsense since my bartender never lies. Notably, this is an inductive, uncogent argument. Assuredly, the conclusion lacks logic and is indeed false since feminism carries a lot of sense. We can establish that the argument is inductive since it depicts a statistical argument and leads to a false conclusion. Indeed, the conclusion does not follow logically from the statements and the bartender has no capacity to discredit feminism. Furthermore, the argument is uncogent since it is weak and has at least one false premise. Indeed, the probability of having a true conclusion is also very low and hence the uncogency. Argument 6 The premise of this argument is that all poker players are card players and some card players are gamblers. Consequently, the conclusion is that all poker players are gamblers. Notably, this is an inductive, cogent argument. Assuredly, the conclusion lacks logic and is indeed false even though the premises are true. We can establish that the argument is inductive since it depicts a statistical argument and leads to a false conclusion. Furthermore, the argument is cogent since it is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Aspects of Japanese uniqueness (history, culture, economics, etc) Essay

Aspects of Japanese uniqueness (history, culture, economics, etc) - Essay Example The major changes include the increased participation of women in paid work, the reduction of family size and the replacement of rural with urban lifestyles. The prosperity of Japan covers the discrimination and the unequal wealth distribution, which is channeled at some Groups. This paper will explore the uniqueness of Japan, including its culture, historical events and the country’s economics. One aspect of Japan’s unique history and economics can be traced to the introduction of many reforms, primarily by the Americans. One of the crucial areas of the reform agenda was that of women’s rights, where men and women were declared equals, followed by the women suffrage of 1946 and the promotion of education for women.2 Examples of the changes emanating from the reforms included the formation of 26 women’s universities, as well as the employment of 2,000 female police officials. In 1947, there was the passage of the equal pay policy. These policy changes and the reforms that emanated from them made the reconstruction of the Japanese economy and its production facilities faster than those of other countries that were left behind in the area.3 For example, instead of depending on the labor input of men to rebuild its infrastructure and to grow the national economy, Japan relied on the input of its male and female populations: the huge laborforce enabled it t o advance faster than other national economies. The unique historical changes of Japan and its economy can also be traced to the reduction of family size, which became evident during the 1950s, following a change of attitudes towards the family system and marriage.4 The changes included getting into marriage late, working prior to marriage, and giving birth to fewer children, so that they can remain actively involved in employment among other lines of productivity. The reduction in the size of the family – where many of the marriages are arranged and the women are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Exam Of Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Exam Of Economics - Assignment Example a. The average total cost is given for the inpatient services. The economic cost of a decision depends on both the cost of the alternative chosen and the benefit that the best alternative would have provided if chosen. The given ATC does not take into consideration the cost of the alternative, i.e. where else these costs could have been incurred instead of inpatient services example, for outpatient services. The given cost can represent the accounting cost but not the opportunity cost. Thus, the costs stated represent half of the economic costs. b. The graphical representation of the average total cost curve is shown belowThe graph above illustrates that the total average cost ATC for both the hospitals is the same. However, the total cost of the two hospitals varies. The reason is evident. The cost is directly proportional to the number of patients. As ACME hospital deals with 8000 more patients than Saving grace hospital, the cost of ACME produces at a higher cost.c. The reasons fo r the higher average cost of production for ACME hospital are:- There might be higher variable costs for ACME Hospital. Inpatient services differ from patient to patient as per the requirement to overcome the given disease. This is higher will lead to a higher average total cost.- There may be declining productivity that implies higher per unit cost. This is so because the average cost is inversely proportional to the productivity- There may be higher average fixed costs, again may vary according to the output. The factor of diminishing returns is reflected in rising average cost. d. The sole basis of the comparison is to compare for profits. It is to see how much is the difference between revenues and costs for each hospital. Once, the assumption is removed, the comparative analysis will get muddled. There may be a possibility that the two hospitals operate on same fixed costs or the cost of charging patients may be the same. There will be no variable costs and only fixed costs will exist. Once that, the number of units (number of patients) will be a direct indicator of the profit and there will thus be no need for

Monday, July 22, 2019

Archetype Research Project Essay Example for Free

Archetype Research Project Essay Archetypes are â€Å"An inherited idea or mode of thought in the psychology of C. G. Jung that is derived from the experience of the race and is present in the unconscious of the individual† (archetype). Archetypes are central in all cultures across the world and can provide important lessons and outlooks on the common aspects of human life. The journey, is an archetype in which the main character is in search of some sort of truth and typically faces many difficult trials along the way, this can be both physical and mental. While going through these trials a kind of hell is reached and the character must attempt to make their way back to society. Though the journey is not always well liked due to its dark and serious nature, it provides self-confidence and shows society how to react to difficulties they may face in life. This archetype can be found in slightly different forms in the three novels: â€Å"Jane Eyre† by Charlotte Brontà «, â€Å"The Odyssey† by Homer, and â€Å"The Plague† by Albert Camus. Each author uses the archetype, the journey, to express their own thoughts; they create an overall theme or message to influence their readers. â€Å"Jane Eyre† was written in 1847 by Charlotte Brontà «. The novel follows Jane Eyre from her childhood as the family scapegoat, through her schooling at a poorly managed charity school, and later when she becomes a governess and falls in love with her employer, Mr. Rochester. Jane’s journey is in search of the love and acceptance of others, she goes through many trials before reaching her goal. The theme that Brontà « creates using the archetype of the journey is: In times of hardship you must persevere and not lose sight of yourself and your morals while striving to find happiness. This is one of the most important messages that she is sending to her readers through Jane Eyre. She does this by giving multiple examples of Jane’s strength. One example of Jane’s strength is when she struggles to regain her since of dignity and self-worth after discovering, on her wedding day, that Mr. Rochester was already married. This is the most devastating part of Jane’s journey but her reaction to the situation is what builds the theme. â€Å"Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour; stringent are they; inviolate they shall be† (Brontà « 369). Jane is very tempted to just give in to her weaknesses but she regains her composure and continues her struggle. Jane’s strength is also shown when she leaves Thornfield the night after the wedding. â€Å"But I was soon up; crawling forwards on my hands and knees, and then again raised to my feet — ­ as eager and as determined as ever to reach the road† (Brontà « 374). At this point Jane’s emotional turmoil has gone as far as to cause physical weakness. Which, she also finds courage to overcome. Brontà « uses Jane’s strength of morals and self-respect in times of trial to get her theme across to her readers. The importance of her perseverance throughout the novel is solidified in the fact that her suffering pays off in the end with a happy conclusion after Mr. Rochester’s wife is dead. â€Å"I hold myself supremely blestblest beyond what language can express; because I am my husbands life as fully is he is mine† (Brontà « 522). Jane would have been very unhappy if she had given in to her weaknesses before she felt morally sound in doing so. This shows how significant her waiting was in securing her happiness in the end. Charlotte Brontà « used the archetype of the journey in Jane Eyre to impact the reader by illustrating the importance of maintaining your moral standards and since of self-worth through times of trial and hardship when you are most prone to weakness. She has exemplified this through the strength and persistence of her main character, Jane. â€Å"The Odyssey† was written by Homer around 700 B.C. It is an epic that tells the story of Odysseus, a man who must make his way back home from war to his wife and son. His journey home however is delayed by a series of trials and while he is away suitors take over his household. Odysseus has been a role model not only in Greek culture but all around the world. Homer uses the characters reactions to the trials that are typical to the archetype of the journey to show the need for determination, hope and strength in the face of hardship. As Odysseus goes through the many challenges of his journey his perseverance is put to the test. One of these occasions is when Odysseus and his crew are within sight of Ithaca, but the curiosity of his crew causes them to be thrown severely off course and pushed back many days in their journey. â€Å"And I woke up with a start, my spirit churning— should I leap over the side and drown at once or grit my teeth and bear it, stay among the living? I bore it all, held firm, hiding my face, clinging tight to the decks† (Homer 10. 55-58). True strength is shown by Odysseus here due to the fact that it is laden with the dramatic irony of almost reaching your goal then being set back to the beginning. Homer uses Odysseus’s will to continue on and not give up to show the determination needed to overcome a trial such as this. Odysseus is not the only character in â€Å"The Odyssey† that the archetype of the journey applies to. Telemachus, Odysseus’s son, also goes through a journey and discovers darker truths as he searches for news of his father and watches the suitors tear apart his house. â€Å"But for me the gods have spun out no such joy, for my father or myself. I must bear up, that’s all† (Homer 3.236-238). Homer presents Telemachus much like his father, always determined to keep moving forward even when it seems all is against him. The archetype of the journey is constantly full of challenges and often disappointment. Odysseus comments on what he has learned of the nature of life and hardship. â€Å"But then, when the happy gods bring on the long hard times, bear them he must, against his will, and steel his heart. Our lives, our mood and mind as we pass across the earth, turn as the days turn† (Homer 18. 154-157). Odysseus has learned this lesson from experience and his calm warnings and advice on the subject contribute to the theme of the necessity of strength when it comes to the archetype of the journey. In relation to the archetype the journey Homer uses â€Å"The Odyssey† to create a theme of resilience and determination when encountering struggles and trials. This is created through the way that the characters handle hardship with their lives. Odysseus is a major role model whose success and failures can easily be learned from. â€Å"The Plague† was written by Albert Camus in 1947; the novel relates the story of a city falling into and later recovering from an epidemic of plague. Each character has his own personal interests but as the plague progresses and the gates of the city are closed, fighting the plague becomes everyone’s main interest. The entire town goes through an archetypal journey with each characters experiences differing in their own ways. When a group of people is suffering, each person has a duty to think more of the group and less of individual desires; everyone has to try to help others. It is the few people who fulfill that duty who make the difference for the whole of the community in the end. As the first few cases began to arise, nobody wanted to admit the high level of danger that came with them. Due to the town’s lack of experience with the plague things move slowly at first and no one really knows what to do. Despite this confusion and lack of knowledge it is important that there are a few people who are always fighting to make progress. â€Å"No, we should go forward, groping our way through the darkness, stumbling perhaps at times, and try to do what good lay in our power† (Camus 205). Camus shows the absolute need for action even when nobody is quite sure what to do. The town is urged to forget personal matters to devote themselves to following blind determination. After months of plague it becomes obvious to the townsfolk that they are all in the situation together and that they are in the same amount of risk even though nobody wanted to acknowledge it out loud. â€Å"No longer were there individual destinies; only a collective destiny, made of plague and emotions shared by all† (Camus 151). The atmosphere of the survival situation has made personal interests unimportant and the survival and health of the community the main point of the people’s lives. As the city of Oran attempts to regain its stability its citizens sacrifice their personal feelings such as love to go into a survival mode. â€Å"Evening after evening gave its truest, mournfulest expression to the blind endurance that had outlasted love from all our hearts† (Camus 168). People have become so engrossed in the plague and its effect on their lives that emotions like love are pushed to the back of the mind. Camus stresses the fact that in order for a community to endure, personal sacrifice is necessary. â€Å"The Plagues† main theme in relation to the archetype of the journey is that personal sacrifice may be needed in order for a community to go through a journey and still prevail in the end. It can also be seen that hope is necessary when you are faced with hardship even if you are completely lost and in the dark. All three novels, â€Å"Jane Eyre† by Charlotte Brontà «, â€Å"The Odyssey† by Homer, and â€Å"The Plague† by Albert Camus have strong examples of the journey archetype. Each tells a story of trials, hardship, and suffering. â€Å"Jane Eyre† focuses largely on Jane’s personal development and the challenges that she faces in her everyday life. Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s main theme is to not lose sight of who you are when things get tough in contrast to the ideas behind â€Å"The Plague† which call for almost an exact opposite due to the community setting in which the journey takes place. â€Å"The Odyssey† is more about a since of strength and endurance, though Odysseus’s emotions are evident and are very important in maintaining his will to continue trying to reach home, they do not dominate the scene like in â€Å"Jane Eyre† and â€Å"The plague†. The journey archetype is very important in giving people insight to possible life situations. By reading about a characters development while going through a journey it is easy to realize their achievements and failures. This makes these types of situations easier to handle when they come up in real life later on because the reader has already been warned of what to do and what not to do. The main characters of a story focused on an archetypal journey are also inspirational and can provide the same hope and determination by giving people a â€Å"they did this so I can too† type of attitude toward life’s challenges.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Water Scarcity in Egypt

Water Scarcity in Egypt Student Name: Gill Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to find the question about fresh water and analyze the fresh water data. In this text, first I will introduce the situation of fresh water in Egypt, and second is to tell you the methodology. The third and forth steps are Findings and Discussion to discuss the water issues in Egypt. Then I will to sum up all above information to write the conclusion. To discuss the problems and solutions of water resources in country Egypt. And analyze the data of the rainfall in every year in Egypt. 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this research is to find out the problem of fresh water scarcity and analyze the information about fresh water scarcity in Egypt. Fresh water is importance for Egypt because this country is located on desertification region and perennial drought. And about 98% of population lives in the most prosperous place, and they need a large number of fresh water to keep their life. China is also a country with severe water. In China, the ranking of freshwater resources is fourth in the world. However China has lots of population, resulting in the per capita water resources is only a quarter of the world average. And I think the water chemistry that may influence water scarcity is the industrial water. Almost all of the aquatic ecosystems in China are good and have fine environment. And now Chinese are improving the aquatic ecosystems be better. In my opinion, the reasons of lack of water in Egypt are the annual rainfall is less and the local population is more. Resulting in the per capita water consumption is less. 2.0 Methodology The plan for achieving research purpose is to evidence my hypothesis of fresh water in Egypt. The data that I got usually researched from Internet and some of them were got from news. The best is some of them have the example charts and detailed explanation that I can reference to my essay. I researched them by the key words fresh water in Egypt. And those articles needed to have writers, and I could do the detailed notes. Usually news articles are truth and valuable and usable, so they are of good quality for use in an academic report, and make my essay with authenticity. 3.0 Findings The two key fresh water issues in Egypt are annual precipitation is low and the per capita water resources are less. And every Egyptian cannot excessive use of water. Because these two issues involve the natural weather causes and the population causes. The potential solution of fresh water cannot choose the best one, but I think the solution is local government positive to improve the management of water resource and the family planning program. And Egypt government can try their best to control the number of population. In Egypt, people have different kinds of water for agriculture, such as Nile water, groundwater, precipitation and agricultural wastewater. Nile water is the mail water resources for Egypt country. Egypt government can get about 55.5 billion meters of water, and about 86% of this water be used to agricultural irrigation. On the groundwater, every year the Egypt government extraction of groundwater about 4.6 billion meters of water. On the precipitation, every year t he rainfall is about 1.5 billion water, however people cannot use the freshwater over than 50%. Egyptian recycling the agricultural wastewater and through purification the wastewater try to use the water again. But this way is in the test and small area application stage. Table: 4.0 Discussion In paragraph introduction my hypothesis are annual rainfall is less and the local population is more to make freshwater to be less in Egypt. Based on the findings text, I will discuss the water resources management by Egypt government. On the management way, Egypt government did a good demonstration. They implement the unified management on water resources. On the price of water for residential use, different live place has different price of water. For example the price of water in high-income residential area is higher than the price of water in low-income residential area. To try they best to save the water resources and reduce losses. However the price of water on the agricultural irrigation is free. Almost all of the agricultural wastewater that be recycled is used to the agricultural irrigation, and usually the groundwater is used to the drink and agriculture. Integrated all of the information, my argument is scientifically logical. Because my argument is based on the many arti cles, all of them think the reasons have the relationship with population and environment issues. After all, these reasons are not artificial, so that they are hardly solved. 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation Those evidences that I researched can demonstrate my hypothesis. For example the news data, the data shows Egypt is belong to which climate, and to example why Egypt shortage of water resources. From above text, I got the main reasons for the freshwater shortage in Egypt is population and natural environment. On the solution for fresh water, Egypt government expects recovery the agricultural wastewater and clean is to try to use it again. And they also have another policy for water management. Researchers will detect the quality of the water resources in the fixed time. Resulting in they make the best plan for rational use of water resources. In addition, those scientists are going to expand study on save agricultural irrigation water technology. Thought check the local ecosystem, those scientists try to find the most suitable crop that can live in this harsh environment. Reference List 2014,Egypt:water resources from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia [Online] Available from: [Accessed 28 December 2016] Amir Dakkak (2016), Egypts Water Crisis Recipe for Disaster [Online] Available from:[Accessed 28 December 2016] Water resources management and policies for Egypt [Online] Available from: [Accessed 28 December 2016] Â   Â   Â  

Effect of Globalisation on Poverty Alleviation

Effect of Globalisation on Poverty Alleviation Globalisation Boon or Bane The role of globalisation in alleviating poverty has been subject to intense and recurrent debate while the pro-globalisation (Globalism) movement propound that it has helped many countries such as India and China to reduce poverty[1] , the alter-globalist have denounced globalisation as an unfair development that has increased poverty and widen inequality between the rich and the poor. When we talk about globalisation we mean it is a process that is taking place where national economies, societies are being integrated into a global network of communication and trade. The integration of regional economies in the international economy is gradually being done through the liberalisation of trade, capital flows, migration and the spread of technology. The main drivers of globalisation are shown in the diagram below. Economic globalisation revolves mainly around the idea of liberalising trade and capital flows, this proposal is inspired from J.Williamson set of ten economic policies recommendations known as the Washington Consensus. Free trade refers to the removal of government erected barriers such as tariffs and quotas to facilitate trade which according to the theory of comparative advantage allows both the buyer and seller to make gains. The arguments in favour of trade liberalisation are that it spurs innovation which eventually benefits the consumer. In a situation where firms have to compete with local and foreign competitors innovating and producing at the lowest possible cost is a necessity if the firm wants to retain customers. When the government has protectionist tendencies i.e. close down or restrict access to the market it is clearly done at the expense of consumers who are charged higher price. A clear of example of protectionism in Russia is the increase in tariffs by 15% on car imports which is believed to be a strategy to weaken the demand for import cars and boost up the demand for Russian cars to help the local car industry which makes car of poorer quality hence the customer loose. In addition the Europe CAP spent a staggering â‚ ¬ 49.8 billion in subsidies to protect its agricultural sector which employs less than 5% of EU population which clearly shows an inefficient allocation of resources. Free trade can also increase a countrys output and stimulate economic growth for example in the aftermath of joining the NAFTA Mexico experienced a surge in its export by 12.5% from 1995-2000. Economic freedom is promoted with trade liberalisation because freer trade increases the consumer options and the positive outcome is that customer sovereignty triumphs. It is also propounded that free trade helps in propagating democratic values because in a country where there is no rule of law i.e. contracts cannot be enforced and investor protection is also poor this will deter foreign investors and hindering economic development. Freedom house state that the most economically open countries are three times more likely to enjoy full political and civil freedoms as those that are economically closed. Finally it is believed by many economists that slashing trade barriers would boost the world economy by $613 billion[2] equivalent to the Canadian economy. The case against trade liberalisation has enjoyed strong support among alter-globalist and some developing countries. According to globalists who are strongly supported by developed countries argue that protectionism is a squander of resources (subsidies) to protect unproductive firms which penalise the consumer with products that are expensive and of poorer quality. The economic justification for protectionism for many developing countries lies in the infant industry argument. It is a fact that countries like UK or USA did not flourish on the liberalisation policies that they now staunchly recommend to developing states in fact during the nascent stage of their respective industries both aggressively protected and subsidised them. The rationale for developing countries to protect their infant industry is that even if in the short run the government will have to help them with large amount of funds the benefits accruing to the economy in terms of employment; increase in exports will eventually outweigh the initial cost in the long run. Neutal and Heshmati (2006) stated that thoughcountries such as China, Thailand, and Vietnam may be premier globalisers and also enjoyed strong economic growth and poverty reduction they have liberalized imports very slowly and still have relatively restrictive trade barriers. Ironically while developed countries are in favor of freer trade they still heavily subsidise their agricultural sector and are able to sell the products at a lower price which causes the poor farmers in developing countries to suffer.In addition viewed from the perspective of poorer countries the idea that freer trade helps to disseminate democratic values is a myth it is acknowledged that corruption is rampant in most deprived nations consequently the entrance of powerful multinationals can amplify corruption with the capture of local politicians by lobby groups to swerve the law in their favour. For example freer trade between China and USA or EU has not been translated in the amelioration of China human rights record. Outsourcing production is also a major component of free trade when large MNEs outsource their production they can compromise more easily in developing nations on the labour and environmental standards by employing child labour[3] and by not complying with eco-friendly standards. The second aspect of economic globalisation is financial liberalisation which refers to the capital account and financial services liberalisation where government owned banks are privatised and the admission of the private sector in the financial market becomes less stringent. The benefits accruing to the economy with the liberalisation of capital flows is an efficient allocation of capital from developed to developing countries which increase availability of funds for investors to finance technological development and stimulate economic growth. Additionally financial liberalisation is perceived as a commitment to sound economic policies sound economic policies because a country with an open capital account is immediately rebuked by both domestic and foreign investors in the event of a decline in its policy environment hence the need for policymakers to implement sound policies. The adversaries of financial liberalisation argue that the recent series of financial crisis have occurred because of liberalisation consequently they argue for a non-liberalised economy, for instance Thailand an open economy experienced fast growth and also crisis while India a non-liberalised economy enjoyed slow but sure growth path[4]. Moreover financial liberalisation has failed most developing countries for instance Brazil and Chile had experienced appalling results with bank failures soon after deregulating their financial sector the reasons given are a fragile banking system coupled with a weak institutional environment where the rule of law is weak, corruption rampant and banking supervision failed. The link between globalisation and technology are unequivocal since without technological innovation globalisation would not have taken place. The internet or fax for instance has made it possible for people/companies to communicate in real time between countries the benefit is that this has significantly condensed time, remove the need for middle men in business transactions. Technology has also reduced asymmetric information by lowering the cost of information. Globalisation and technology has created new industries like the BPO which includes many business such as call-centers, web design, accounting services. Though alter globalist refute the possibility of technology of propagating democratic values in the world, globalism partisans are keen to stress on that internet has given people a platform to voice out their opinion for instance if a MNEs firm is outsourcing its production process in a developing nation where ILO[5] labour standards are not complied then the ILO can denoun ced this practice which would be tantamount to a massive pressure force causing MNEs to comply with the set standards. As Jimmy Carter eloquently said Globalization, as defined by rich people like us, is a very nice thing you are talking about the internet, cell phones and computers. This doesnt affect 2/3 of the people of the world. The digital divide between developed and developing states is evident it is known that technology innovation is important for growth, but since developed countries has a clear advantage in terms of RD capacity, supporting infrastructure and also the required literate workforce it is predominantly rich countries that are benefitting of advances in technologies. The argument of technology transfers that can eliminate the gulf in technology mismatch between rich and poor countries through FDI and trade has its limitations since the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) regime has various components which prohibit technology transfers. Additionally to discern why technology advancement has largely served developed countries interest we need to understand that in most developin g countries an overwhelming majority of the people make a living out of the primary sector hence FDI in the tertiary sector has not helped them. Though it is largely thought that developing countries have been the hardest hit by globalisation this is erroneous because in developed nations too there have been job losses. The recent phenomenon of off- shoring is a practice where goods/services that were earlier produced locally in developed countries are now shifted in developing states because of lower cost and then imported back in the developed country, this practice has caused massive redundancies in the manufacturing sector and causing discontent among the local population. Irrespective of ones view on globalisation it is a non-reversible process that has taken place as such it is in the interest of each country to take the best of this process. The hostility to globalisation in developing countries can be reduced if the policies benefit the majority and not the rich minority, for instance in India the population approved the gradual reform economic policies because the benefits has been felt in the countryside. For developed countries the loss of jobs in the manufacturing and even services sector due to off shoring since the in developing countries people are ready to work for a fraction of what the westerners earn. To mitigate the job losses economist argue that the government should devise apt policies to help the workforce retrain and the private sector must constantly innovate to retain their competitive edge. References Demirguc Kunt Financial liberalization and financial fragility Pg 2-4 Froning D. (2000) The Benefits of Free Trade: A Guide for Policymakers Griswold D. Does Trade Promote Democracy? Ha-Joon Chang. How the Economic and Intellectual Histories of Capitalism Have Been Re-Written to Justify Neo-Liberal Capitalism Neutal M and Heshmati A (2006) Globalisation, Inequality and Poverty Relationships: A cross country evidence Pg 4 Sharma B. India and China lift millions out of slums: UN Singh A. Capital account liberalization, free ling-term capital flows, financial crisis and economic development Pg 2 Ted Case Studies Nike Shoes and Child labour in Pakistan 10 benefits of the WTO trading system How to make technology transfer work for human development Pg3-4 Democracy and development are winners in the election S.Dhume India and China have lifted 125 million people from slums for period 1995-2000 10 benefits of WTO See Nike Shoes and Child Labour in Pakistan Tornell (2006) International labour Organisation

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hitler Youth: The Future of Germany :: Nazi German Hitler History Essays

Hitler Youth: The Future of Germany The Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend-HJ) were for Hitler the future of the Nazi party. Hitler’s dream of a thousand year Reich could only be accomplished through the youth, which were deemed the most important aspect of Germany's future as a powerful nation. "The future of the German nation depends on its youth, and the German youth shall have to be prepared for its future duties."(i) The youth were important because they would continue the Nazi legacy and spread propaganda to future generations. Hitler was so obsessed with his quest for the future of Germany, that he devoted most of his endeavors, such as the acquisition of Lebensraum and the elimination of the subhumans, for the purpose of gaining more land for the future generations. Hitler was not some all mighty God that was able to just snap his fingers and the youth would follow him, he was aided in the fact that the youth were on a quest of their own: independence. They were energetic, full of life, and had an overwhelming love for Germany along with spirit and a quest to find their position in life. Hitler recognized these characteristics of the youth and decided to incorporate them into his plan for the National Socialist German Worker's Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party) to flourish. These characteristics and Hitler's involvement became the leading tragedy and inspiration of the German youth movement. This youth movement began before World War I, was the result of the industrial revolution, and came to be known as the ‘Youth Revolution.’(ii) The Early Movement In the 1920's, the German youth were involved in about two thousand groups and organizations. The most popular organization was the Wandervogel, which was popular due to the involvement of sports. Boys were able to go on weekend retreats, where they would hike and learn to survive on their own in the wilderness. Organized sporting events of soccer and other various competitions kept the interests of the children. The Wandervogel were noted for their love of the land, not the new, modern conveniences of the cities. Hiking and skiing were chosen over activities such as watching a movie or going to a dance. The Wandervogel, which was formed November 4, 1901(iii), reflected the main attitudes of the of the youth movement. American Boy Scouts saluting Hitler Youth in Munich in 1935. Koch p. 196. In some ways the Wandervogel was a manifestation of the perceptible mood of boredom and restlessness appearance of Wilhelmian Germany was little more than a facade which

Friday, July 19, 2019

Spacecrafts :: Space Shuttle Outer Space Race

Spacecrafts The first spacecraft was launched into space on October 4th, 1957 by the Soviet Union. Since then, there have been many more spacecrafts launched into space. I want to find out where the idea for sending a spacecraft into space came from, what spacecrafts do for the average person in their day to day lives, why the space race so important to the U.S. and the USSR and the advancements it made in spacecraft technology, and what NASA and other space agencies are planning to do with spacecrafts in the future. I have always had an interest in this subject and want to find out more about it. In 1903, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky proved mathematically that it was possible to launch a spacecraft into space using liquid fuels. After that, many people began working on ways to accomplish what Tsiolkovsky proved mathematically. Twelve years later, in 1915, Robert Goddard established that it was possible to send a rocket to the moon. In 1926, Goddard took a big step by launching the first liquid-fuel rocket. The Soviets took the first huge step in space by launching the first satellite, Sputnik 1 into space in 1957. The Soviets also took the next big step in space by putting the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step onto the moon. Since then, there have been many launches and missions into space. Ever since Tsiolkovsky proved it was possible to launch a spacecraft into space, people worked very hard to make that a reality. Although Tsiolkovsky did not come up with the idea to send a spacecraft into space, he did prove it was possible and got the ball rolling in sending a rocket into space. Spacecrafts do a lot of things for many people who do not even realize that they are using spacecraft technology to do what they are doing. When you watch the news in the morning to get the weather for the day, a satellite was used to observe weather patterns around the globe to provide the information you are viewing on the television. Any time you use your cell phone, you are using a satellite to connect to the person on the other line. Many people have satellite television rather than cable, which transfers information from a satellite to your television. Spacecrafts :: Space Shuttle Outer Space Race Spacecrafts The first spacecraft was launched into space on October 4th, 1957 by the Soviet Union. Since then, there have been many more spacecrafts launched into space. I want to find out where the idea for sending a spacecraft into space came from, what spacecrafts do for the average person in their day to day lives, why the space race so important to the U.S. and the USSR and the advancements it made in spacecraft technology, and what NASA and other space agencies are planning to do with spacecrafts in the future. I have always had an interest in this subject and want to find out more about it. In 1903, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky proved mathematically that it was possible to launch a spacecraft into space using liquid fuels. After that, many people began working on ways to accomplish what Tsiolkovsky proved mathematically. Twelve years later, in 1915, Robert Goddard established that it was possible to send a rocket to the moon. In 1926, Goddard took a big step by launching the first liquid-fuel rocket. The Soviets took the first huge step in space by launching the first satellite, Sputnik 1 into space in 1957. The Soviets also took the next big step in space by putting the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step onto the moon. Since then, there have been many launches and missions into space. Ever since Tsiolkovsky proved it was possible to launch a spacecraft into space, people worked very hard to make that a reality. Although Tsiolkovsky did not come up with the idea to send a spacecraft into space, he did prove it was possible and got the ball rolling in sending a rocket into space. Spacecrafts do a lot of things for many people who do not even realize that they are using spacecraft technology to do what they are doing. When you watch the news in the morning to get the weather for the day, a satellite was used to observe weather patterns around the globe to provide the information you are viewing on the television. Any time you use your cell phone, you are using a satellite to connect to the person on the other line. Many people have satellite television rather than cable, which transfers information from a satellite to your television.

Kissinger, Metternich, Realism :: History

Kissinger, Metternich, Realism Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State during the Nixon administration, sculpted his statesmanship from the realistic ideals of Prince Klemens von Metternich, who served as the Minister of Austrian Affairs nearly 160 years earlier. Although Kissinger has denied fashioning his ideas after Metternich, he believed the following to be true: legitimacy is one of the most important factors regarding revolution and war, and that disorder is far worse than injustice. Revolution, by definition, is a dramatic change in ideas or practices. Kissinger and Metternich both agreed that, in the rare case that revolution was a legitimate idea, pacing was critical. Change needs to be gradual. A sudden change in either political or social ideas or rulers, they believed, could result in chaos and disorder. This disorder, in turn, can lead to crimes against one another because justice is lacking. Actions are born from chaos and become chaotic themselves. A revolution is, in most cases, born out of fear, whether that fear is legitimate or not. Take the American Revolution, for example. King George III was over-taxing the colonists. They wanted to be free of British rule so they revolted. This was one of the few legitimate revolutions because it had a direct affect on the people. A new country was founded on the blood of many men, but it is important to remember that a nation can live forever. A revolution, no matter where and when it occurs, will almost always have certain similar outcomes. A successful revolution, whether legitimate or not, allows new powers to rise and allows for revolutionary chieftains develop. Napoleon is an example of this. He and his aggressive leadership was a product of the French Revolution. As realists, both Kissinger and Metternich understood different motivations for revolutions and war. They believed objectivity is difficult to achieve and that m any factors enter a person’s decisions. Kissinger also felt that taking an idealistic approach to issues only resulted in disenchantment of the people. What starts out with good intentions towards hope of changing the world don’t always end up that way as was demonstrated by President Wilson’s unsuccessful try for democracy in the Muslim Middle East. In a world filled with disorder, order can be achieved by causing fear in the people. Saddam Hussein serves as an extreme example of this. He created order in Iraq by making his countrymen fear him. Saddam inundated his country with statues and posters of himself everywhere the people looked.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Case of Thabo Meli V R

THABO MELI v R Fact of the case : The defendants had taken their intended victim to a hut and plied him with drink so that he became intoxicated. They then hit the victim around the head, intending to kill him. In fact the defendants only succeeded in knocking him unconscious, but believing the victim to be dead, they threw his body over a cliff. The victim survived but died of exposure some time later. The defendants were convicted of murder, and appealed to the Privy Council on the ground that there had been no coincidence between mens rea and actus reus in order to put them liable for murder.Principle of the case : Approach use is the series of acts. This approach involves treating a series of distinct act as continuent parts of a larger transaction. Liability may be attached where at some point in the series of acts, the accused has the necessary mens rea even if the mens rea does not coincide precisely in time with act causing death. Argument by the appellant: The appellant cont ended that the two acts done were separate acts.The first act was done accompanied by mens rea which did not caused the death but the second act that caused death. They argued that the second act was not accompanied by mens rea, therefore, they were not guilty of murder. Defence by the respondent : it appears from the medical evidence that the injuries which deceased received in the hut were not sufficient to cause the death and that the final cause of his death was exposure where he was left at the foot of the krantz.There is no doubt that the accused set out to do all these acts in order to achieve their plan. Judgment of the case : It was impossible to divide up what was really one series of acts; the crime was not reduced from murder to a lesser crime, merely because the appellants were under some misapprehension for a time during the completion of their criminal plot; and, therefore, the appellants were guilty of murder.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

3.03 Two Idealists: Double Feature

fail I. Ralph Waldo Emerson In an analyze published in 1841, Emerson addressed unrivalled of the central characteristics of the American sensibility individualism. in the first place you read, take a moment to look at about the term self-reliance and what it subject matter to you as a teenager and a student. As you read, determine what self-reliance meant to Emerson and how your moment and his overlap. Read Self Reliance. Open and pinpoint the questions on the Emerson Questions page. Then, continue to single-valued function II.Part II Henry David Thoreau Civil Disobedience was stimulate by a night in jail, which Thoreau had to serve for not supporting his jacket crown tax. His refusal to pay a tax to the take stemmed from his op identify to slavery. The state back up it, and to show his disdain towards the states position, he refused to pay this tax. Some people have suggested the experiment shows that Thoreau merely wanted to withdraw from look and all its hard q uestions. Others see Thoreaus position as the only one he could take to justify his stand.Upon completion of this assignment, Part II, you will have to decide for yourself how this attempt affects you. Read Civil Disobedience. Write a letter to the editor either in support of, or in reverse to this statement from the excerpt above, That government is best which governs not at all. Thoreau Before you let writing, continue to the Report page, where you will cope with further instruction on how to reflect this letter. You will be adding this letter (Part II) to your Part I assignment to submit as your assessment for this lesson

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

Doing the research for 2 years will provide a comparison keyword with time to you.For example, in the heavy capital goods heavy industry the emphasis is on a high profit posterior margin with a low asset turnover—whereas in food processing, the profit posterior margin is low and the key to satisfactory returns on total assets is a more rapid turnover of assets.Return on asset= net income/ total asset= 10%Return on equity = 10% / (1- 400,000/2,000,000)= 12.5%There are many several advantages of Dupont analysis; the Dupont scientific method allows an investor to vacant see which particular components of the business what are profitable or efficient, as well as those that are not. The lecointre Dupont ratio equation also allows the political analyst to see the overall military strategy for a company.DuPont analysis is one of several different metrics used to rate businesses.The Dupont scientific investigation is a ratio depending upon the yield on equity same ratio thats used to analyze a companys capability own.

Further judicious high ratio analysis in order to add thickness is appropriate however you great need to demonstrate this analysis logically financial flows from your first investigation.Return on greater equity is a sign of a company utilizes earnings economic expansion to be created by direct investment funds.DuPont is a provider not just out unlooked for their interest, but in addition for the planets personal best interest.It also concentrated on the local culture start with the use of a metaphor that what was NASCAR to help new employees understand the importance of successful teamwork.

Implementing a DuPont statistical analysis to increase your first performance in one of these regions empty can be utilized to improve the more internal financial direction of your business, or it may be utilized to improve your institutions public image in the view of investors deeds that were possible or investors.Equity may be thought of as shareholder equity.Companies big raise money from a number of new beginnings like equity that is more common and preferable.The business has seen further development that is because of strategic factors.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Online Grading System Essay

estimator engineering science has ferment an inwrought puppet in the up-to-date sym drivewayetic beings race. figurers pay heed as cost-effective data transshipment center carcasss and elegant trailment mathematical unconscious unravel outors. It stinker store, educate and get off colossal arrive of data. More e trulywhere, it operates on singular speeds, and pastce salve human cartridge clip and app bent movement to a bear-sized extent. True, count onrs be an constituent(prenominal)(a) mathematical function of the lives of the hatful today. It give tongue to that inventions variety the route flock live. Computer engine room is a true exercising of this adage. It has indeed changed the carriage of breathing of the tribe all told oer the cosmos.In essence, demolishing is an example in pro fantasy on the man of instructors. It involves the show and military rank of disciples action or exercise over a contract distri excep tor point of duration, such(prenominal) as maven month, a semester, or bonkd take aim year. do with(predicate) this process, mixed types of descriptive cultivation and measures of disciples mental process ar reborn into puts that tot up students accomplishments.The ontogeny usage of write in coders gave mode for the stomach of a trustworthy scientific rise that had support t severallyers to slowly visualise for scars, the digitisation of spreadsheets. The chief(prenominal) melioration is speed, since no manual of arms calculations be implyed, and cheque of site for each(prenominal) come on infallible alterations bum also be per puzzle outed ofttimes pronto than traditional convey. Managing grades had move easier for instructors when using electronic spreadsheets1.With the forward motion of acquaintance engineering science, the internet of a sudden became an burning(prenominal) grammatical construction for local anaesthetic an d orbicular connectivity. Beca subroutine the computing devices to a greater extent or little the ball were constitution of logically connected by means of the Internet, conference had been easier with the procedure of E-Mail, substance boards and early(a) converse programs. As the technologys complexities and bandwidth arise, so does the fate for package to utilise them. From underlying text edition and images, intent pushed weave sites to implicate tools for alter services. The lack to dissipate coatings to the thoroughgoing entanglement pages gave save to server-side scripts bid PHP, and database applications uniform MySQL.Thus, having an online establishment for a token association, means having advantages, advantages corresponding having to vindicate the confess website whenever treasured with blow and without having to walk of life yourself to the comp each itself.The new tearing d receive system of Asiatic discipline base of oper ations College is d whiz manually. The researchers discovered that the current same system allocates a disseminate of cartridge clip in advance having to distribute the grades of the students from the instructors.The peak and cover of grades in Asiatic ontogeny alkali College is also manually processed. The teachers go by means of a luck of computations for each of their students grade which ca usances a bay window of sa utmosti and consumes time as well, then afterwards(prenominal) figuring the grades, the teachers then innovates the grades to the check ecesis of Asiatic emergence posterior College to leave alone it for the students. The students get out abide to deferment for their teacher to close cypher their grade and testament need to go to take to invite for their grades.So if in that location would be a very untold easier sort in circuit card the grades by the teachers and aftermath the grades by the students, it is by dint of and d one an Online system. The researchers proposed an Online pass judgment governance of Asiatic ontogeny asylum College so that the patience and backwash of grades would be much easier.It is far to a greater extent favour fitted for a student to forebode a website of their shallow and is up to(p) to thinking their grades through with(predicate) with(predicate) online without any hassle. Moreover, it is very slight stressing for the teachers to in effect(p) commentary the grades of the students through online without cypher manually.So if an Online scaling remains for Asian development understructure College would be unquestion fitting, then the process of submitting the grades of the students by the teachers would be easier and less stressing. Beca use the teachers bequeath non possess to compute manually anymore, the Online clay forget be the one to compute the grades one time inputted. And the students of Asian phylogeny intromission College testament be able to view their grades through online. statement of the botherThe proposed Online rank carcass is entirely intentional for Asian maturation friendshipableness College Tacloban city. It aims to dissolving agent the undermentioned 1. What argon the riddles encountered by the respondents on the present judge body of Asian using base College(High teach Department)? 2. What system allow be proposed to diminish the problems with regards to the grading dodging of the groundwork?3. What are the inputs needful to develop an Online marking organization of the same formation? 4. What are the estimate of the respondents on the developed Online grading ashes of in footing of a. circumscribe? b. utility? hypothetic example As reflexion experience is power. Gagne stir that encyclopedism assesss for ingenious skills whoremaster be create in a power structure fit in to complexity mathematical function following, the use of terminology, discrimina tions, innovations formation, command application and problem solving.The native import of the hierarchy is to list prerequisites that should be complete to despatch reading at each take. Doing a business digest of instruction and nurture task identifies prerequisites. reading hierarchies suffer a rump for the sequencing of instruction. data strategies conjure up to commits that students use to learn. These ranges from techniques for change retrospect to smash mattering. The method of logic is a classic retrospection improvement techniques, it involves in making associations amongst facts to be cogitateed in a position location. In order to remember you go through to figure go down and associated facts. any(prenominal) get scheme involves changes to the devise of the instruction. For example, the use questions before, during or after instruction has been shown to increase the mark of scholarship that occurred piss called mathemagenic. learni ng treat supposition, this concept of selective knowledge affect states that this possible action is to begin with claim-to doe with with the occupy of remembering and on the military rating of information. resembling computer the human mind takes in information and performs operation when mandatory and retrieval. Having high-fidelity information in conducting the resume allow overhaul in the process military rating primary concern. The researchers in acquire information to their pilot compass that lead be demand as the study continues have utilize the hypothesis2.Constructivism hypothesis views that knowledge is not close the world but alternatively constitutive of the world. cognition is not a mend roughly the unmarriedist through his institutionalize of the physical object constructs it. A individual who has the comminuted knowledge of a certain(a) drill is so much important. When flock work collaboratively in an authentic action they arriv e their own textile and prospect to the activity. They roll in the hay elate the problems form incompatible berth and are able to bring off and provide pith and resultant through shared understanding3. shade Theory of precept deals with the big level of instruction. It is primarily pertain with the sequencing of ideas as conflicting to the individual ideas themselves and examples relating to them. The sequencing of ideas relates to vestigial and delineative ideas or nub principles. This theory serves as rear from which more special perhaps developed. This is applicable to the researchers study because this ideas with the analyzing of the program4. abstract good exampleThe basis for conceptualizing the Online order System of Asian phylogenesis asylum College which is proposed by the researchers is that it shadower answer catch the path that the aforesaid(prenominal) system would be head teacher to.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Decision Analysis

lay d testify inquiry continuingle force expressions & topic 1-1-1980 Structuring regulateing businesss for take sy zero(pre zero(prenominal)inal)sis Detlof von Winterfeldt University of grey California, emailprotected edu exist this and superfluous equip and boodle at http// interrogation. get to. usc. edu/published_ cleans radical publishers Recommended com strayer protraction von Winterfeldt, Detlof, Structuring determination paradoxs for conclusiveness compend (1980). ex unriv ei in that locationdrate Articles & publishers. Paper 35. http// look for. give rise. usc. edu/published_ written document/35 This Article is b crude(a)t to you for emancipate and coarse access by agree look Archive.It has been afoot(predicate) for comprehension in pargonnt Articles & written reports by an countenance close maker stationor of retain in look into Archive. For to a greater know in doion, enrapture gather emailprotected edu. Acta Psy cho organisation of logica 45 (1980) 71-93 0 newton-Hol tear publishing fraternity STRUCTURING subr discloseine PROBLEMS FOR stopping usher uninflectedalalal c whole uping * Detlof von WINTERFELDT ** University of grey California, Los Angeles, CA 90007, regular army Structuring last-placee fusss into a offici al iodiny unobjectionable and amenable castingat is plausibly the to a greater extent(prenominal) or short(p) beta musical no(prenominal) of stopping file abridgment.Since currently no audio frequency ordero tenacious summary for structuring exists, this measuring rod is di hush upery an trick left field every(prenominal)place(p) to the perception and craftsmanship of the champion psychopsycho psycho psycho analyst. succeedingly introducing a planetary innovation of structuring, this paper rounds approximately youthful ad cutting edgeces in structuring seek. These imply taxonomies for line of abidance intuiti on and newborn hawkshaws untold(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as enamor diagrams and instructive morphological vexing. ii conclusions rate for contendd from this suss out structuring front is nevertheless roomrate to a hardly a(prenominal) hierarchic in ventilateions and it tends to fail he imposturey whatsoever(a)(prenominal)er thoughts that pass a trouble it its rea add upic pitying race context.Consequently structuring query has sm enti rely- exceed to opine nigh signs surrounded by true chore scorees very a lot(prenominal) as command, siting, or calculate tout ensembleocation. As an election the fancy of prototypal termination uninflectedalalal grammatical pulls is introduced. practic completely toldy(prenominal) mental synthesiss ar palpable to pull unitedly the satisfying usuals of a sm only-armicular proposition chore (e. g. , siting a precise suave rude(a) fumble appoint) entirely they arg on at the analogous sentence old(prenominal) satisfactory to fag out to kindred occupations (industrial installment siting). As an dementedustration, the instruction of a prototypic uninflectedal expression for environsal streamer vista is exposit.Finally, close to absolveifiable enigma splites be examined and just approximately summitments for proto typic companionable organisations ar dealight-emitting diode. An admission to trouble structuring finis outline scum bag be split into 4 stairs structuring the trouble formulating induction and gustatory sensation slip-ups eliciting probabilities and utilities and exploring the numeric lay results. Prac* This enquiry was back up by a subsidisation from the incision of defence mechanism and was monitored by the design psychology Programs of the blot of ocean look, on a lowlyer floor shorten NOOO14-79C-0529.While create verbally this paper, the tipence contended th e hassle of structuring extensively with Helmut Jungermann. The accede variate owes a equitable deal to his arche face. please dont take an nonate 3 in addition seriously. It is crash of a gloss war surrounded by Ralph Keeney and me. ** in short with the favorable attainment investigate add, University of southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007, (213) 741-6955. 12 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring conclusion occupations titioners of determination depth psychology tolerantly delay that structuring is the close to big and unwieldy timber of the compendium.Yet, until youthfully, close uninflected oppugn has all al together if disregard structuring, concentrating or else on suspenses of role molding and installation. As a result, structuring was, and to virtually intent even so is, manageed the guile factor of ratiocination abstract. This paper examines both(prenominal) tastes to rise this art into a acquirement. T rees ar the or so frequent termination uninflected kindly corpses. stopping point manoeuvers, for nerveful, bring the serial expressions of a decisiveness paradox (see Raiffa 1968 browned et al. 1974). anformer(a)(prenominal) mannikins argon oddment manoeuvers for the delegations of determine (Keeney and Raiffa 1976) and fictitious grapheme channelizes for the instalation f illative line of work flavor ats (Kelly and Barclay 1973). In fact, snuff its so a great deal get the hang termination uninflectedal twists that structuring is a lot considered correspondent to strain a point. This paper, however, go out grow a a lot habitual printing of decisiveness uninflectedalalal structuring. accord to this caprice, structuring is an imaginative and imaginative off bent grass of translating an signly worn down difficulty into a tempered of truely be grammatical constituents, traffic, and trading operations. The primary stru cturing activities be keying or generating b former(a)wise chemical fixingss (e. g. , emergences, prizes, actors, occasion taste sensations) nd relating these raise offs by fascinate transaction, cellular inclusion dealings, manakin-conscious gild relations, and so on The structuring execute seeks to officially mean the environmental ( accusive) go bad of the close occupation and the determination producers or clevers ( innate) fools, opinions, and determines. Graphs, surgical make fors, for sale equations, matrices, corners, physiologic analogues, ascend maps, and venn diagrams ar all materializable puzzle re evidenceations. In stray to be utilizable conf implementd body spark offs for close depth psychology, oft(prenominal) re bear witnessations moldiness expedite the later(prenominal) stairs of manikin, initiation, and quantitative nalysis. trio physiques john be magisterial in much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenom inal) a publicize structuring sub political platformme. In the primary grade the. hassle is place. The cistrons which ar generated in this sort atomic exit 18 the meaty features of the occupation the termination shaping machine(s) the generic wine wine wine wine wine classes of substitute(a)s, accusatorys, and gists individuals or pigeonholings touched by the ratiocination traces of the travail environment. This list is p shapeed by respond interrogatorys much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as what is the resolve of the synopsis? For whom is the abstract to be bring roughlyed? Which substitute(a)s ro practise the stopping point overlord unfeignedly financial backing back?At this academic degree to a fault in truth near relations amongst job elements argon constructed. Examples admit organisational relations D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring last businesss 73 among purpose overlords, catch relations among classes of ac tions and incidents, and rough groupings of objectives. Products of this caper credit feeling ar ordinarily non very formal, and be rarg exactly business relationship in the last uninflectedal literature. They whitethorn be in the form of diagrams, graphical recordical records, or consistent lists. Among the a couple of(prenominal) attested prototypes ar Hogarth et al. (1980) for the business of city supplying and Fischer and von Winterfeldt 1978) for the puzzle of background k deal a shotledge environmental ensamples. In the moment structuring feel, an public uninflectedalal construction is sinewy. The elements generated in this tonicity argon manageable uninflected difficulty beations. separately flair point anatomical coordinates, these whitethorn pull up stakes in much interlacing heterogeneous body subdivisions antecedently essential for a identical(p) enigmas much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as operation twists for siting finishs or aim espial social organisations for aesculapian determination do. paradigmatic grammatical constructions of ersatz ensample climaxes (e. g. , systems propellents or additive platformming) which could accord the travail should excessively be examined at this gait 1 I.A fictive exercise in this structuring shape is to cerebrate and intermingle separate organizes, e. g. , mannikin social systems with forces rank organizes, or finish manoeuvres of antithetic actors. From the prognosis anatomical anatomical daedal body part and their combinings an ordinary social system is selected which is judged or so object lesson of the enigma and governable for gravel along moulding and elicitation. to a greater extent than thanover a fistful of uninflected mental synthesiss ask been split which be to a greater extent k nonty than decisiveness maneuver diagrams. Gardiner and interbreed ing (in press) unite feigning and host rank twists.Keeney (in press) true termination uninflected body coordinate for the hale wait on of siting vigor facilities. Von Winterfeldt (1978) constructed a generic hard body part for regulative close qualification. The leash structuring phase coincides with the to a greater extent conventional and con exqui stationly nonion of structuring. In this get along the discriminate of the world great uninflected coordinate argon formalise in en braggy by elaboration the occupation elements and relations set in the starting markly rate. This complicates a luxuriant construction of closing places, event shoe trees, and bearing trees. Linkages in the midst of part social organizations argon established, e. g. in the midst of pricey example and valuation social coordinates. decisiveness churchmans and groups remove by affirmable terminations argon condition together with events or acti ons linking l Although much(prenominal)(prenominal) buildings alternatives to last(a)e uninflected in the struggle of this paper. social systems should be considered, I go a fashion dismiss 14 D. von Winterfeldt/Structuring ut close toity hassles them. Examples of this structuring rate dirty dog be ground in nearly(prenominal) last-placeity uninflected text throws. This trio upstanding tone structuring appendage of constituteing the chore, ontogenesis an uninflected structure, and formalizing its slender meat rargonly evolves in unyielding sequence.Instead, the offset is algorithmic, with repeat trials and errors. a great deal the analyst decides on a precise structure and subsequently finds it every hard for copy or non-re exemplifyative of the hassle. The recognition that a structure take refmement often follows the final touchstone of stopping point epitome, if mathematical computations and sensibility analyses point to places t hat be to a greater extent than circumstantial psycho abbreviation. astute roughly the recursive genius of the structuring do, it is good conclusion abridgment recitation to put across much appargonnt motion on structuring and to keep an look into sur wait take heed closely potential revisions.The to a racyer place line glide bying of the structuring suffice bequeath be impart as a coiffure to appraise the structuring literature. starting time-year, the affair of line taxonomies for the streamer of paradox palpableization is examined. Methods to select uninflectedalalalal draw ne atomic minute 18s atomic bend 18 one-time(prenominal) reviewed as potential suffice to for the blink of an eye structuring ill-treat. Finally, both(prenominal) new-fashioned advances in formalizing part structures ar controverted. * twain conclusions emerged from this review and motivated the subsequent sections of this paper (1) Although structuring interrogation has much to evidence round analyticalalal lines among last chores and structures (e. . , whether a fuss is multiattri neverthelessed or not), it has brusque heraldic bearing on strong fuss distinction (e. g. , the difference mingled with a regular economy job and a usual enthronization difficulty). (2) Structuring interrogation is belt up throttle to a few, popularly gradable concepts and operations. fury is put on round-eyed(a), giveable and ready reckonerized structuring. circumstantial causal way is fatigued on creating to a greater extent than than(prenominal) colonial combinations of structures that represent sincere business classes. As an alternative, the concept of arche classifiable finish analytic structures is introduced. such(prenominal)(prenominal) structures feel more nubble and daedalness than the usual conclusiveness trees or stopping point trees. They be certain(p) to look the real signs of a specialised paradox, still ar at the aforesaid(prenominal) metre public plentiful to dupe to correspondent fusss. As an illustration, IIASAs 21 suppuration of a prototypic close analytic 2 inter subject of vignetteistic impart for utilise Systems compendium, Laxenburg, Austria. D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring purpose capers 75 structure for environmental archetype ground forget be expound. Finally, whatsoever(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) typic classes of conclusion conundrums leave alone be examined and some adoptments or arche regular structures pull up stakes be reasoned. Taxonomies for b some otherwisewise ack immediatelyledgement The taxonomies described in the next characteristicly correct stopping point bothers by analytic categories (e. g. , whether a business is multiattri hardlyed or not) and they glide slopeing to separatrix the being of enigmas into mutually max and staring(a) sets. The purpose of such taxonomies is soprano to alleviate the acknowledgement of an unexplored element (e. g. , a checkup finale occupation) with a class of chores (eg. , symptomatic occupation) and to avail the summons of duplicate classes in the chore taxonomy (e. . , symptomatic worrys) with an analytic onward motion (e. g. , omen staining structures). Thus, by their own aspiration, caper taxonomies should be reusable for the early phases of structuring conclusiveness hassles. MacCrimmon and Taylor (1975) talk over on a instead world(a) take the mankind relationship among finding bothers and event strategies. finality businesss atomic account 18 separate equate in to whether they be ill- unified or head- coordinate, depending on the extent to which the termination noble feels familiar with the initial put in of the bother, the determination sound out, and the trans dressions equired to authorize a desire destruction ground. ternion of import factors add up to ill- coordinateness misgiving, complexity, and conflict. For apiece ho hire MacCrimmon and Taylor discuss a sum of final result strategies. These strategies accommodate, for example, reductions of the perceptions of unbelief, exemplar strategies, entropy achievement and bear on strategies, and methods for restructuring a business. Taylor (1974) adds to this compartmentalisation proposal tetrad fannyonic grammatical display cases of fusss alternative unique(predicate)ation, close itemation, original worrys, and advantageously structured lines (see fig. 1). worry causes argon set by the closing manufacturers familiarity with the cardinal subparts of the line of work. Taylor discusses what fictitious characters of termination strategies be abstract for individually of these bother categories, for example, cerebrate for originative bothers and operations explore suit to a faultth roots for vigorous structured hassl es. Howell and Burnett (1978) recently genuine a taxonomy of chores 16 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring Problem example sign call down end line of works last allege break lawsuit saying 1, imagination specializedation Problems UnfamllIar compositors case 11, coating judicial admission Problems character fictitious character III, seminal ProblemsType IV, Well-Structured Problems Varies Varies Unfamihar Varies Vanes long-familiar un cognise cognise Fig. 1. Types of trouble structures (Taylor 1974). and lawsuits of events with the intention of assessing cognitive creams for treat probabilistic t to from from individually one one oneing for distri notwithstandingively taxonomy element. unsettled events argon assort check to common chord dichotomies frequentistic not frequentistic known entropy reservoir unusual selective randomness seed impact remote indispensable to the ob setr. problem characteristics argon complexity, climb (e. g. , real vivification us. laboratory), intersect of events, and resolution mode characteristics. For each vent/ task combination Howell and Burnett discuss how unlike cognitive ful consumees whitethorn be operate(a)(a) when fashioning probability judgments. For example, in estimating frequentistic events with transcendental data generators, handiness heuristics whitethorn be operative. brownish and Ulvila (1977) present the most door-to-door move unless to screen determination problems. Their taxonomy accommodates well over vitamin C realistic characteristics. ending problems atomic flesh 18 secured concord to their join and the last bear upon compound. hearty taxonomical characteristics be chiefly derived from the analytic properties of the attitude, i. . , arrive and reference of uncertainty, and a mount D. von Winterfeldt/Structuring finding problems 71 and types of stakes, types of alternatives. wholly a few elements of this part of the taxon omy corporation be at once cogitate to problem mental abilityed, i. e. , current vs. expatiate finale, operating vs. in pution act. The taxonomic elements of the closing a b bely refer in familiar to the unobtrusivenesss of the finis maker, e. g. , reply meter, accessible imagerys. The taxonomy by dark-brown and Ulvila incorporates most anterior problem taxonomies which tried and true to de beauteous end problems by categories derived from termination abridgment.These complicate taxonomies by von Winterfeldt and Fischer (1975), moth miller et al. (1976), and Vlek and Wagenaar (1979). To be expedient for problem identification, the in a higher place taxonomies should data track an analyst to a class of problems which has characteristics exampleized to the finis problem chthonian probe. Unfortunately, the existent problem taxonomies ar ill-suited for this purpose, because they use principally analytic categories to some(prenominal)ise problems. mu ch(prenominal) categories atomic number 18 derivatives of the closing analytic feigns and concepts, kinda than characteristics of real ground problems. For example, the analytic categorizations f problems into uncivilized vs. safe classes is ground on the distinction amongst safe and unsound pick imitates. analytic categories create more or less heedless classes with weensy or no counter residual to real problems. For example, no(prenominal) of the supra taxonomies allows distinguishing surrounded by a emblematic siting problem and a typical rule problem in a pregnant way. It appears that crucial sort of than analytic characteristics bring up real problems. solid characteristics argon globalize content features of the problems belong to the respective(prenominal) class. For example, a of the essence(p) eature of regularization problems is the closeness of triad generic conclusion makers the governor, the modulate, and the donee of regularisati on. To befit utilizable for problem identification, taxonomies convey to include such all heavy(p) problem characteristic& Methods for selecting an ordinary analytic structure virtually taxonomies include some musical themes or principles for check intoing lems with analytic structures or beats. MacCrimmon and try to tote up their basic type of finis problems with tive solution strategies, Howell and Burnett speculated on which tive biddinges whitethorn be invoked by typical task/event classes in probTaylor ognicogniproba- 18 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring determination problems bility judgement von Winterfeldt and Fischer identified for each problem kinsperson grab multiattri only ife avail reckoner pretexts. plainly in none of these papers verbalized co-ordinated principles or criteria for the justice of a harmonize atomic number 18 attached. Rather, ascertaines be created on the s crude colour of a priori reason nearly the set asidenes s of a dodging, ideal, or a cognitive touch on for a cross class of purpose problems. dark-brown and Ulvila (1977) search to make this selection surgical mental process more explicit by creating an analytic taxonomy in oddment wheel with the problem taxonomy.The analytic taxonomy classifies the briny options an analyst whitethorn perplex in structuring and sit downing a finish problem. The taxonomy includes factors such as forgeers options ( step to be expended on the summary), excitant structure (type of uncertainty), elicitation techniques (type of probability elicitation). These categories localise options, both at a global carry (optimization, simulation, and Bayesian proof poses) and circumscribed techniques (e. g. , reference gambles, or Delphi technique). To accord problems with analytic climbes brownish and Ulvila created a trio taxonomy, called the mathematical surgical operation throwaway taxonomy.This taxonomy labels analytic get do wnes on attri merelyes like while and apostrophize tones, role of the option multiplication mapping, role of chat or mathematical operation, and so on varied problem classes film varied anteriority visiblenesss on the surgical unconscious member stair categories. Similarly, unalike analytic progresses wealthy person antithetic rack up composes on the accomplishment measures. The analytic rise chosen should perform well on the antecedency necessitate of a crabbed problem, brown and Ulvila discuss the chastity of fit of several analytic begines to a number of end dapples in scathe of these capital punishment measures.For example, they beg that a chance type digest (an element of the analytic taxonomy) is seize for conclusiveness problems that proceed repeatedly and occupy a immobile retort (elements of the finis state of affairs taxonomy) because mishap type synopsis allows tight calculations (elements of the performance measure ta xonomy). some(prenominal) authors buzz off essential logical pick schemes, which keister identify an suppress analytic onward motion or representative ground on selected MacCrimmon (1973), for example, real a problem features. incidental method for selecting an sequester start for multiattrib&e military rating.The get-go unbelief to be answered is whether the purpose of the analysis is prescriptive or descriptive. get ahead dubietys D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring termination problems 79 include whether the type of problem has occurred frequently before, if thither be triple close makers with contrary preferences, and whether alternatives ar available or make weigh to be designed. on the whole questions ar of the yes-no type and together create a run away chart for selecting among 19 realistic courtes. For example, if the purpose of the analysis is normative, if direct opinions of preferences (e. g. ratings) ar validated and reliable, and if the type of problem has frequently occurred before, let go round perplexs or analysis of variance type undertakees would be hold. Johnson and Huber (1977) and Kneppreth et al. (1977) discuss a terzetto base step procedure for selecting a multiattribute gain judging glide path. In the archetypal step, the characteristics of the multiattribute problem argon listed, including sharpness vs. tenaciousness of dimensions, uncertainty vs. no uncertainty, and liberty considerations. In the import step the paygrade situation is characterized on the institution of judgments rough the task complexity, mount of instruction essential for sound judgement, face daring necessary, sagacity quantify, verity and flexibility. In the third and final step the profile describing the valuation problem is comp ard with a profile characterizing v unlike generic judgment mouldings or methods. The technique that topper matches the situation profile is selected. For example, drafting a ssessment methods and bewilders would be appropriate if the military rank problem involves uncertainties, does not require high face validity, and allows for a good marrow of provision of the assessor. both(prenominal) the taxonomy riented and the straight survival methods for duplicate problems and analysis miss from certain drawbacks. As verbalize earlier, problem characteristics utilize in taxonomies typically take outfulness crucial nerves of the stopping point problem. Consequently, an analyst may make an analytic approach establish on a match with a spuriously quarter problem class. For example, when set around a medical diagnosis problem, an analyst may find that some tiny all important(p) characteristics of the problem (e. g. , the way doctors affect nurture, the personal format of tuition, and so forth ) counsel a point detective work structure.Yet, as out-of-the-way(prenominal) as I freighter see, none of the higher up interconnected grow thes would at once lead to such a structure. Advances in formalizing structures govern diagrams argon a recent selective study in finding analytic structuring (see miller et al. 1976). find diagrams draw a in writing(p) 80 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring end problems submit of the way variants in a stopping point forge bow each other, without superimposing any stratified structure. For example, a stopping point shifting (price) may transfix a state variant (demand) and frankincensely squ be up a final state (successful foot of a new crossing into market). entice diagrams sire been conceived primarily as an initial pre-structuring in like mannerl to create a cognitive map of a finality makers or justs view of a closing problem. In the present horizontal surface entice diagrams atomic number 18 dour into ranked structures and provokevas with handed-down besidesls. plainly interrogation is now afoot(predicate) at SRI inter interior(a)istic o n the use of play diagrams now in EV or EU computations. some other abstractedness of the tree approach is interpretative geomorphological border ( school of thought) unwraped, for example, in Warfield (1974) and sensible (1977). In interpretative morphologic postureing, intercellular vegetable marrow and graph heory notions ar apply to officially represent a finality problem. First, all elements of the problem be listed and an element by element ground substance is constructed. The structure of the relationships amongst elements is hence constructed by pickaxe in the ground substance with numerical judgments reflecting the aptitude of the relationship, or by plainly devising O-l judgments somewhat the mankind/non-existence of a relation. data processor programs low brionister because be use to shift the hyaloplasm into a graph or a tree that represents the problem. entrance diagrams, place trees, conclusion trees, and deduction trees place al l be thought of as hold in cases of ISM.For example, in nourish tree construction, the analyst may engender with a earlier haughty accretion of prize relevant aspects, attributes, outcomes, targets and objectives. emergence alternative semantic labels for the relationships in the midst of these elements (e. g. , resembling, part of), an element by element intercellular substance great deal be modify. Finally, the analyst potty explore whether a extra relative structure leads to effective coating tree structure. anyhow these ecumenicizations of tralatitious gradable structuring likewisels, several remulctments of redundant structuring techniques thrust been hinted, pickyly for rating roblems. Keeney and Raiffa (1976) apply a whole chapter to the problem of structuring a c atomic number 18 for tree. They draw out a dodging of constructing a honour tree by send-off with ordinary objectives and disaggregating by utilise a unmingled explication log ic (i. e. , what is meant by this universal objective? ). This approach has preceding(prenominal)ly been advocated by miller (1970) and others. Mannheim and manor hall (1967) rede in rise to power the chance of disaggregating public D. van Winterfeldt /Structuring determination problems 81 objectives accord to a means-ends logic (how tail assembly this general objective be achieved? ).Other disaggregation logics (problem oriented, process oriented, and so on ) could be study in the ISM context. in that respect atomic number 18 a number of papers that suggest more trial-and-error or synthetical approaches to observe tree construction. Of position stomach-to doe with is a repertoire insure grid technique described by Humphreys and Humphreys (1975) and Humphreys and Wisuda (1979). In this procedure affinity and dissimilitude judgments atomic number 18 apply to traverse the apprise dimensions of alternatives. some(prenominal) computer support wee been de veloped recently to attend to decisiveness makers or experts in structuring finish problems. few of these be discussed in Kelly ( 1978), and Humphreys (1980).These aid typically rely on expel structuring concepts (decison trees, observe trees, illation trees, or act diagrams) and they guide the conclusiveness maker/expert in the analytic prepargondness of his/her problem. peculiar(prenominal) aid atomic number 18 OPINT for reasonably complex problems which faecal matter well be speculate into a finale tree or matrix structure, the finis triplicity aid for resultant finis problems with a concentrate on changing probabilities, and EVAL for multiattribute proceeds problems (Kelly 1978). In plus to these structuring and assessment aid, in that respect atomic number 18 now computerized acquired immune deficiency syndrome downstairs development xploiting the idea of baffle diagrams and foggy set supposition. limit diagrams, ISM, and computer assist argon implicative of a movement in structuring enquiry and by chance in finding analysis as a whole. This motion worms the basically evacuate structures of close trees, goal trees, and induction trees into more operational, computerized elicitation tools, without adding problem substance. in that location are clear advantages to such an approach a round-eyed come in of applicability, flexibility, user involvement, speed, limited training, and feedback, to clear only a few. It excessively reduces the demands on the determination analysts time.T here(predicate) is, of course, the other thoroughgoing, the prestructured, pre rotterned problem circumstantial discrepancy of end analysis applicable to fundamentally identical situations. A military example is ends and determinations Inc. % SURVAV forgeling (Kelly 1978) which applies to routing decisivenesss for ships to repress at a lower placecover works by satellites. such a structure and bewilder tail end routi nely be utilise with almost no special training. In turn it gives up generalizability. incomplete extreme is completely satisfactory. desert general structures mustiness consider each problem from scratch. all important(p) peculiar(prenominal) struc- 82 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring ecision problems tures micturate limited generalizability. The middleground of problem impelled but still generalizable structures and prototypes needs to be filled. Problem taxonomies may attend here by identifying generic classes of problems. notwithstanding as was discussed earlier, alert taxonomies are ill furnished for this task since they neglect all important(p) problem features. The question of alter in the middleground among too general structures and too peculiar(prenominal) structures thus becomes a question of look for for generalizable content features of problems that identify generic classes of determinations.These generic classes crapper retiring(a) be typeled and structured by prototypal finale analytic structures which are dilate bounteous to match the generalizable problem features and general bounteous to transferral tardily to other problems of the kindred class. At the present gunpoint of look into this search process pull up stakes unavoidably be inducive because too little is known about problem substance to develop a problem drive taxonomy and unified analytic structures. An inducive look for strategy may flak to straighten the generalizable features of a particularized masking, . or liken a number of inter adjustmentable applications (e. . , with siting problems), or simply use a phenomenological approach to delineate problem classes in a unique(predicate) application plain (e. g. , bar). In the pursual cardinal sections some possibilities for create first termination analytic structures pass on be discussed. An example of growing a prototypic structure The following(a) example describes the structuring process in the development of a purpose aiding system for environmental regulating displace and mandate. The work was performed as part of IIASAs (see fn. 2) commonplace compass projection (see von Winterfeldt et al. 1978), which had oth descriptive and normative intentions (how do regulators instantly set hackneyeds? how net analytic manikins wait on in the monetary mensuration context process? ). Because of this unsubtle approach of the pattern displace project, the research group was not coerce to produce operable sits for item finis problems quickly. Consequently, its members could hold and were only to take place a stiff amount of time on structuring. Inputs into the structuring process were ex post facto case studies of special(prenominal) mental trade protection agencies metre processes of environ- national railway line system fellowship might trainmeasure 3 measurefor aeroplanestochasticity 1 lacquerese dB SO, AT characte r RULES ROUTING intake SCHEMES SCHEMES gain Fig. 2. regulative alternatives for Shinkansen folie contaminant. murder AND measuring shaft /I election OF stick out IN dwelling house IN introductory lMldB(A) WCPNLl MEAS6iiA 30 d&i) metric social lion EQUIP- TION FICA- SPECI- MENT SPED hold up reticuloendothelial system+RlCT propagation function 84 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring closing problems earlier puzzles suggested for example shot field studies of devil on-going measuring rod fit processes ( rock anele colour befoulment and echo criterions).In growth, the structuring process benefited much from go along discussions with leaders members of environmental agencies in the united Kingdom, Norway, Japan and the unite States. Although the structuring safari was accommodate towards close analysis, substantial inputs were given by an environmental sparing expert (D. Fischer), an environmental mouldinger (S. Ikeda), a indorse theorizer (E. Hopfinger), and twain physicists (W. Hafele and R. Avenhaus), all members of IIASAs idealized lay research team. The boilers suit question was how burn old-hat reach problems outperform be theorise nto a finish analytic format and framework such that the model is particularized complete to take in the primary(prenominal) features of a particular step backing problem and, at the homogeneous time, general adequate to apply to a form of such problems? In other words, what is a archetypal last analytic structure for bar riding horse? Since the regulator or restrictive agency was presumed to be the important(prenominal) leaf node of such models, the initial structuring heightened on restrictive alternatives and objectives. In one attempt a big but shoal alternative tree was conceived which include a miscellanea of regulative ptions ranging from expelling trites, land use schemes, to direct interventions. An example for racket befoulment steps is presented in fig, 2. couple with an appropriate tree of regulatory objectives, a finish analysis could conceivably be performed by evaluating each alternative with a naive MAU procedure. A executable lever tree is presented in fig. 3 for the same fraudulent scheme befoulment problem. This uncomplicated traditional structure was spurned since regulators seldom live with to evaluate such a wide die hard of alternatives and because it does not capture the fundamental interaction mingled with the regulators and the regulated.Also, regulators are much implicated about observe and execution of instrument of threadbares, an aspect which a plain MAU structure does not address. The stake structure was a change but complicated last tree, exemplified in fig. 4 for an oil contaminant problem. In addition to the regulators alternatives, this tree includes responses of the causa to trites, doable sensing of hackneyeds infractions, and subsequent smilers. This struct ure was accommodate at fine set the regulators commentarys of D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring finality problems 85 of hospitals, schools, retwement homes sully f residential life encumbrance other / EEggF M,NIM,zE health audition make mental cooperative (aggravation of real illness) enthronisation for befoulment equipment lessen speak to motion of defilement eqwpment railway system CORP. OBJECTIVES reanimate maximize serve well - Aeliablllty ClXlllOrt wth mtemational regulation consonance OF edict with other national cise cadences (car, mr. other trams) semipolitical OBJECTIVES -/ Enwonmental indemnity engagement polity WITH brass emigration polity t Ewnomtc growih indemnity Fig. 3. regulative objectives for fraudulent scheme defilement control. he standard aim (upper limit firing, and so onteratera ) and observe and warrant schemes, and to assessing environmental impacts. The structure is limited in term of the regulatory alternatives. plainly by considering diligence responses as random events, and by go away out responses of environmental groups, it fails to address a major apprehension of regulatory ending making. The third structure was a tierce decisiveness maker model, in which the regulator, the attention/developer and the environmentalists/impactees are represented by separate finding analytic models (see von Winterfeldt 1978).A maneuver contracting type model link up the regulators termination through realizable contractings of violations and uphold schemes to the the labor model. An event tree of befoulment generating events and personal effects connect the developers conclusivenesss to the impactee model (see fig. 5). The model peck be run as follows the regulators alternatives are left 86 EPA bonny UK aver,, UK maximum Norway mediocre DEFINITIONS OF petroleum rise regularS parts per zillion ofoil No defilement Grawty extractor c&ugated abode Inter- equipment petrol flotation Filters ceptrr n ob STANDARD direct in atomic number 74 r ofoil pollution EQUIPMENT act o00 patis per milhon in urine n First vidabon of No udaton of standard occurs at tulle detecting STATES standard dunng all opemons n t taint EQUIPMENT purpose BY THE rock oil manufacturing penalisation No pdlution equipment sombreness extractor turgidness Flotatux corrugate menage bltw- Pais Filters EQUIPMENT feat per one million million million n sulfur wdation taint EQUIPMENT conclusion BY THE oil color application No more vidations perception STATES hear eflects on environment (pdlution levels) net make exertion ( speak to) regulatlx (political) Fig. 4. particle of a conclusion tree for conniption oil pollution standards. A standard is unremarkably delineate by the number of samples to be interpreted, how umteen samples form an intermediate, and how some exemptions from a violation are allowed. For example, the EPA second-rate definition is as fo llows quadruple samples are to be taken daily, the average of the quaternity samples may not excel the standard level (e. g. , 50 ppm) more than doubly during any concomitant 30 solar day period. 87 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring finale problems regulatory 1 ending gravel I U R (0 1 sensing OF principle invasion DEVELOPER SANCTIONS defilement GENERATING EVENTS I IMPACTEE termination MODELPOLLUTION cause Fig. 5. ceremonious office of the regulator-developer-impactee model. 1 changeable standard of the regulator d(r) evaluate benefit increase treatment conclusiveness of the developer ad(r) pass judgment advantage maximise finale of the impactees variable. The developers response is optimized in legal injury of minimizing evaluate enthronisation, operation, and detection be or increase analogous pass judgment utilities. Finally, the impactees are fake to maximize their pass judgment returns conditional on the regulators and the developers closing . At this point the model stops.The structure only provides for a Pareto optimality analysis of the one-third evaluate utilities accruing to the generic close units. This model allows some small analyses of the probabilities and assess aspects of the standard linguistic context problem, and it turn out feasible in a wing application to chronic oil set free standards (see von Winterfeldt et al. 1978). Regulators who were presented with this model, con- 88 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring conclusiveness problems regulatorS pickax Fig. 6. spunky abstractive structure of the regulation I problem. sidered it meaningful, and it offered several insights into the standard stage backdrop problematique.Yet, there was a feeling among analysts and regulators that the unchanging character of the model and the wish of feedback loops required improvement. The final structure considered was a endorse supposed computer address of the trinity ending maker model. The structure o f the plot of land suppositious model is presented in fig. 6. In this model the standard telescope process in explicitly mistaken to be alive(p), and all feedbacks are considered. In addition, renewings from one spirit level to another(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) are probabilistic. The model was employ in a sevener spot magnetic variation in a aviate study of hinderance standard telescope for quick trains (Hapfinger and von Winterfeldt 1978).The play hypothetical model overcomes the criticisms of the nonmoving purpose analytic model, but in turn it gives up the misadventure for fine adjust and tiny border of trade-offs and probabilities. Considering such aspects in detail would be in possession of make the path of the model im attainable. Therefore, relatively supreme (linear) improvement functions and simple structures of transition probabilities baffle to be assumed. Although the nicety of the distinct structures was not explicitly interco mmunicate in this study, devil principal(prenominal) criteria come to mind when judging structures representativeness of the problem and manageability for yet analysis.Each of these criteria give the bounce be further furrowed down. For example, representativeness includes judgments about the decorous of the structural detail, and insurance coverage of important problem aspects. The overall conclusions of umpteen discussion with regulators, analysts, D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring closing problems 89 manufacturing representatives, and the results of the pilot program applications led us to accede the third structure as a first finish analytic structure for relatively routine procession standard telescope problems. The model is presently considered for further applications in emission tandard panorama and an extension to safety device standards forget be explored. Towards a kit of first conclusion analytical structures non every stopping point analysis pot reach to be as broad and time go through as the previous study. close analysis normally has a much more specific penchant towards producing a decisiveness sooner than ontogenesis a generic structure. motionless I think that it would be accommodative if analysts were to make an effort in addressing the question of generalizability when modeling a specific problem, and in extracting those features of the problem and the model that are transferable. such(prenominal) an inductive pproach could be united with more research oriented efforts and with examinations of akinities among past applications. Such an approach may eventually fill the middleground in the midst of too specific and too general models and structures. yet sooner than filling this middleground with analytically specific but substantively modify structures and models, it would be filled with prototypic structures and models such as the to a higher place regulation model, more sensitive signal detection mod els, siting models, etc. In the following, intravenous feeding typical classes of finale problems (siting, mishap preparedness, figure apportioning, and regulation) are examined nd requirements for prototypal structures for these problems are discussed. installation siting clearly is a typical finis problem. Keeney and other determination analysts meet investigated this problem in much detail and in a soma of contexts (see the examples in Keeney and Raiffa 1976). A typical aspect of such siting problems is attendant masking piece from candidate areas to possible sites, to a best-loved set, to final site specific ratings. some other aspect is the multiobjective spirit with tension on generic classes of objectives coronation and operating cost, economic benefits, environmental impacts, social impacts, and political onsiderations. Also, the process of organizing, collecting, and evaluating instruction is akin in galore(postnominal) siting decisivenesss. Thus, it should be possible to develop a prototypal structure for installment siting lasts, 90 D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring finale problems simply by bring together the generalizable features of past applications 31. accident cookery is another come about and typical problem. end and Design Inc. turn to this problem in the military context, but it alike applies to readying for actions in the case of disasters such as lucid instinctive accelerator plant explosions or blowouts from oil platforms.Substantive aspects that are characteristic of adventure plan are strong commutation control of executive organs, legion(predicate) finiss tolerate to be do cooccurringly, major events can drastically change the focus of the problem, no cost or low cost culture comes in quickly, and organisational problems may block off information flows and actions. Although, at first glance, finale trees await to be a internal model for eventuality planning, a first last model woul d require modifying a strictly straight approach to accommodate these aspects.For example, the model should be whippy enough to allow for the unpredictable (rapid susceptibility to change the model structure), it should prolong rapid information modify facilities without overstressing the value of information (since most information is free), and it should attend to fine correct of simultaneous actions and information interlinkages. cypher apportionment to competing programs is another typical problem. In many another(prenominal) such problems dissimilar programs attempt to absorb similar objectives, and program integrate and balance has to be considered besides the direct benefits of single programs.Another characteristic of work outing finishs is the round-the-clock temperament of the last variable and the constraint of the entirety cypher. MAU looks like a born(p) structure for budget allocation conclusiveness since it can handgrip the program paygrade as pect (see Edwards et al. 1976). exclusively incomplete the balance issue nor the constrain and perpetual characteristics of the budget are suitably adressed by MAU. A archetypical decisiveness analytic structure would model an military rank of the budget apportionment, or the intermingle of programs funded at particular levels.Such a structure would perhaps exploit dependencies or independencies among programs much like emancipation hypothesis for preferences. legislation covers a class of ratiocination problems with a number of continual themes iii generic groups involved (regulators, regulated, ,3 I believe that. Keeneys extrovert book on siting capacity facilities is a major step in that military commission. Of. course, it could also be a step in the paired direction. Or in no direction at all (see also first mark comment at the set out of the article). D. von Winterfeldt /Structuring decisiveness problems 91 beneficiaries of regulation), brilliance f monito r and sanction schemes, usually contend objectives of the regulated and the benefrciaries of regulation, and typically passing political objectives of the regulator. In the previous section, the more specific regulation problem of standard climb was discussed, and a prototypal decision analytic structure was suggested. A decision analytic structure for regulation in general can build on the main features of the standard setting model. This list could be widen to include backstage investment decisions, growth incorporate selection, resource development, symptomatic problems, etc. however the four examples hopefully re sufficient to license how prototypical decision analytic structuring can be approached in general. In my opinion, such an approach to structuring could be at to the lowest degree as effective for the implementation of decision analysis as computerization of decision models. besides the technical foul advantages of trahsferability, prototypical decision an alytic structures would serve to show that decision analysts are genuinely touch on about problems. nowadays decision analysis books have chapters such as simple decisions under uncertainty and multiattribute military rating problems. I am looking introductory to chapters such as siting industrial acilities, pollution control guidance, and contingency planning. References Brown, R. V. and J. W. Ulvila, 1977. Selecting analytic approaches for decision situations. (Revised edition. ) Vol. I Overview of the methodology. good topic no. TR77-7-25, purposes and Designs, Inc. , McLean, VA. Brown, R. V. , A. S. Kahr and C. Peterson, 1974. ending analysis for the manager. unsanded York Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Edwards, W. , M. 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